Date: September 2023 Category: Other
What To Know Before Getting an Exotic Pet
ownership has increased significantly in the last several years worldwide and in the United States. Nearly 60% of households in...
Date: June 2023 Category: Cats, Dogs
PART II: Intestinal Parasites in Cats and Dogs
Part I: Intestinal Parasites in Cats and Dogs covered roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms as well as their forms of...
Date: October 2021 Category: Cats, Dogs
Why Is My Vet Recommending Anti-Anxiety Medications for My Pet?
Many pet parents feel a sense of confusion when their veterinarian talks to them about . If your pet has...
Date: February 2021 Category: Cats, Dogs
Supplements: Do They Work? Are They Safe?
Veterinarians are asked every day about a variety of supplements. Nutritional supplements are “non-food” products containing vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes...
Date: December 2020 Category: Cats, Dogs
Christmas Is Coming! Which Toy Do I Choose for My Pet?
Many people want to give their pet something special during the holiday season. Unfortunately, not all toys that are available...
Date: August 2020 Category: Cats, Dogs
COVID-19 and Our Pets
The coronavirus of 2019 has caused unfathomable disruption to our daily lives including the loss of life and livelihood for...
Date: July 2020 Category: Dogs
Prevention of Dog Bites
Background on Dog Bites An estimated 4.5 million dog bites occur annually in the U.S. This estimation may be low...
Date: June 2020 Category: Dogs
Paws in the Sand
As we delve into the official start of summer, many Texans and their four-legged friends are flocking to the coastline...
Date: June 2020 Category: Other
Evaluating Sources of Veterinary Information on the Internet
When you are curious or concerned about a behavior or health issue related to your animal, there is a wealth...
Date: June 2020 Category: Other
Identifying Credible Pet Health Websites
Strategies and Credible Websites The TexVetPets article Finding Information on the Internet provides us with a great starting point and...