Date: May 2018 Category: Cats, Dogs
My Pet Is Peeing Blood!
There are many reasons why your pet’s urine may contain blood, a symptom known as hematuria. Some common causes include...
Date: February 2018 Category: Cats, Dogs
Giving Ear Medications to Uncooperative Pets
There are likely to be times in your pet’s life when you need to administer medications for ear conditions. This...
Date: February 2018 Category: Cats, Dogs
Mast Cell Tumors (MCT) in Cats and Dogs
Mast Cell Tumors Mast cell tumors are the most common skin cancer in dogs. While they also occur in cats,...
Date: February 2018 Category: Cats
Feline Leukemia Virus
What Is Feline Leukemia? Feline leukemia is a common virus seen in the feline patient. This virus is seen worldwide...
Date: February 2018 Category: Cats
Feline Asthma
Feline asthma is a disease of the respiratory system characterized by inflammation of the small airways in the lungs. Once...
Date: December 2017 Category: Cats, Dogs
Initial Testing for Infectious Skin Diseases in Pets
Red, itchy, crusty or flaky skin and hair loss are common skin problems in dogs and cats. As a result...
Date: December 2017 Category: Cats, Dogs
Total Joint Replacement in Dogs and Cats
Patient function, quality of life and return to a normal life ultimately define the animal owners’ satisfaction following total joint...
Date: December 2017 Category: Cats, Dogs
Grain-Free Diets
Grain-free diets for dogs are all the rage right now. Consequently, many dog foods market themselves by claiming to be...
Date: November 2017 Category: Cats
Litter Box Training Your New Kitten
Litter box training a kitten is far simpler than potty training a child or housebreaking a puppy. All you need...
Date: November 2017 Category: Cats
Itching and Hair Loss in Cats
Skin disease can be a frustrating problem for both cat owners and veterinarians. Itching and subsequent hair loss are just...