Celebrating 40 Years of Amazing Animals: Rosie

Animals are not just our companions, they are our heroes – guarding our homes, working as service dogs, and even rescuing their families from burning buildings. As TVMF celebrates its 40th Anniversary, we want to take a moment to recognize some of the extraordinary animals that have been inducted into the Texas Animal Hall of Fame.

In this week’s edition, we’d like to honor TVMF’s Texas Animal Hall of Fame winner, a Great Dane named Rosie.

Inducted: March 2003
Owned by: Brad and JoAnn Nalley
Nominated by Dr. Gina Trew

While we may not speak the same language, humans and animals definitely communicate. Animals often can tell when we’re happy, excited, sad or upset—and even when we’re in need of help. Rosie, a 2-year-old Great Dane, communicated to her owners when another person was in need of help, and to honor her actions, she was inducted into the Texas Animal Hall of Fame.

Rosie belongs to Brad and JoAnn Nalley of Amarillo. Great Danes are known to be good guard dogs, and Rosie is no exception.

“Rosie is a typical Great Dane, very loyal and very protective of us,” says Brad Nalley. “She has received her K-9 good citizen certificate and is just an all-around wonderful dog.”

Brad’s father, Addison Nalley, was living with his son and daughter-in-law. At 86 years old, his health wasn’t what it used to be, and Rosie saw she was needed and became particularly protective of him. She was always at his side, helping him maintain his balance when needed and providing some much-appreciated support.

At around midnight on May 3, 2002, Brad and Joann were awoken by Rosie’s frantic barking. While it is not unusual for her to bark, her bark is typically aggressive, as if warning strangers to stay away. The bark this night was quite different and much higher pitched in tone. She was trying to communicate with the Nalleys.

“Rosie was running in and out of our bedroom, jumping on and off the bed until we were finally awoke. Then we heard my father calling for help,” says Brad Nalley. “As we went to check on him, we discovered that Rosie was sitting beside him, still barking. He was in serious trouble with internal bleeding and had lost a lot of blood.”

The Nalleys were able to get Addison to the hospital in time, where he received numerous blood transfusions. He was soon able to return home.

“We feel that if it had not been for Rosie, he may not have made it. That is why, in our book, there is no more heroic dog anywhere,” says Brad Nalley.