Texas Veterinary Medical Association

The Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA), established in 1903, dedicates itself to supporting veterinarians practicing the art and science of veterinary medicine in Texas. With over 5,400 members, including DVMs, veterinary students, licensed veterinary technicians (LVTs), and industry professionals, TVMA fosters collaboration for a united purpose. This purpose revolves around promoting, advocating for, and safeguarding the veterinary medical profession, while advancing animal health for the well-being of both animals and humans.
Today, TVMA stands as one of the nation’s largest state veterinary medical associations, renowned for leadership on crucial issues, innovative solutions, and effective representation. In 1978, TVMA Veterinary members established the Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation (TVMF) as a nonprofit partner. This foundation supports the veterinary profession by providing financial aid during crises, facilitating opportunities for veterinarians to serve their communities, advocating responsible animal ownership, and promoting overall animal well-being.
While TVMA and TVMF share common goals related to animal health, they differ in emphasis. TVMA, as a professional association, focuses on advancing the veterinary profession, consequently promoting animal health. On the other hand, TVMF, as a charitable organization, concentrates on improving animal health primarily through public education on the significance of veterinary care and various animal assistance programs.
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