In Memory Of: Ebony Mahan

Owner(s): Michael and Paula Mahan
Veterinarian: Dr. Elizabeth Kappus, Little Animal Hospital
Watching TV is so lonely since Ebony left us, my lap feels empty without her warm weight. She was our first “special” kitty. A feral kitten found injured outside my work place, she needed immediate surgery to repair internal damage. She rewarded us with almost 18 years of snuggles and purrs. I’ll always remember the cute way her feet turned out while she was sitting, the growly meow when she decided it was time to eat and her trumpet call when she decided it was time for a crazy cat dash through the house. She was our cat, but she decided I was HER person. First time I’ve been so selected and it was an honor I will always treasure. Goodbye, Silky Cat. I hope we meet at the rainbow bridge one day.