In Memory Of: Harvey

Owner(s): Tom King
Veterinarian: Dr. Erin Homburg of Hill Country Veterinary Hospital
Harvey was one day from euthanasia at a pet shelter when my daughter brought him home. He was a mix of lab and probably Vizsla and had been abandoned on the side of the road as a small puppy. It looked like he may have been hit by a car as his tail was broken and his hips were bad as well. He had kennel cough and was skinny as a puppy skeleton. She fed him by hand and doctored him along with our vet until he was gaining weight and healthy again. He decided he was going to be my dog and was by my side every minute I was home. He loved to ride, and went everywhere we could take him. Harvey was about 13 1/2 when it was time for us to say goodby in July, 2019. We hared the same spirit and even though there is now another dog that we got from a couple that couldn’t keep him, I still miss Harvey every day. The picture here is hanging on the wall in the office along with his ashes. As I told him frequently, he really was the best dog in the world.