In Memory Of: Monte

I traveled all the way to Tulsa, OK to pick up our Cavalier puppy who slept in a blanket on my shoulder until time to board the plane. Fellow passengers awaiting the departure all thought he was a human baby. Monte was a super loving , smart, and mischievous guy who was into everything!!! His exaggerated expressiveness kept us entertained and laughing daily. Our favorite “bad boy” loved to play “hide and seek” with everything he could get his paws on; wallets, make-up bags, keys, pillows, blankets and shoes. Anything that went missing could almost always be found hidden in his kennel with Monte on top. His curiosity and demand for attention landed him in Gulf Coast Animal Hospital more times than all our other pets put together. He seemed to have “nine lives”. However when Monte finally ran out of extra lives at thirteen years of age, his huge personality left a gaping hole in the heart of our family. We will love and remember him forever!

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