In Memory Of: Oliver

Owner(s): Eric and Kelly Reaves
Veterinarian: Dr. Jan DeWitt; Club Hill Animal Clinic
For my daughter’s 18th birthday, she wanted either a nose ring or a puppy. Mom was opposed to a nose ring, so 12 years ago we brought him home from First Monday flea market in Canton. I didn’t want him, because I knew it would be me taking care of him. Inside a week, I was. Daughter was soon off to college and he became ours. I petted him to the moon and back, his fur was so soft–and I rubbed his ears a million times. He soothed the unease in me and filled an empty spot I didn’t know I had. He was a jaunty fellow, very intelligent and alert—and he loved to play. He could really run and he could jump. He never missed a chance to sit in my lap or lie next to me. Oh, Ollie. Would that we could start all over again. Your mother and I miss you so very much. You are ever in my heart and I will always love you.