In Memory Of: Piper

Owner(s): Larry and Julie Cobb
Veterinarian: Twin City Veterinary Clinic
We rescued Piper from someone who did not take care of his dogs at all. She was around 8 months old when we got her. She had a multitude of health issues, one of them being heartworm positive. We had her for 5 months when she suddenly became ill overnight. She ended up being diagnosed with caval syndrome where the heartworms migrate to the right side of the heart and constrict bloodflow and cause a myriad of problems. My vet referred her to Houston to a specialist to have the worms extracted by a procedure in which they go down the jugular vein and pull the worms out of the heart. It is a very risky procedure but it was the only hope to save her. She passed away during the procedure. We were heartbroken. However, I wanted to talk more about how sweet our Piper girl was. She was a beagle. She was super submissive and everyone that met her loved her. She loved to play and was silly and goofy and added so much happiness to our household. We miss her every day…