In Memory Of: Rocky

Owner(s): Donna Smith
It has been a few weeks since we lost Rocky and I am just now able to share his story.
when I went to get him he was the trouble maker of the litter and he ran to me when he saw me. True love! obedience training taught me that I had an exceptionally smart dog. Rocky was 14 years old and my true soul mate; he knew when I was happy and he knew when he needed to come to my side and put his paw on my leg. on Monday as I packed to leave town he and I both had a feeling that he would not be here when I returned home on Friday. I think about it now and I am so thankful that I had that insight to have that one last special morning together and know that it would be the last. Rocky was gone on Tuesday. I find comfort in knowing he will be there when my time comes and he is always in my heart till the day I die.