In Memory Of: Tobie

Owner(s): Anonymous
When we brought our little ball of fur home you could not maneuver our slippery tile floors, and you peed and pooped in your kennel every night for the first week. After a short rough start, we all became a happy family including 2 cat and 3 other dogs and you had a very good life.
After 7 quick years, you developed cataracts in both eyes, had the surgery and your vision was restored. Tobie your life and health were great until 2010 when an ulcer in your left eye took its vision. In 2011, you developed congestive heart failure. At 15 1⁄2 years old, deaf, blind and sick we knew our time with our baby would end soon. Our beautiful little boy went to doggy heaven on January 9, 2013. We hope you are getting your pupperoni at bedtime and as we adjust to life without you Tobie boy your urn sits in the china cabinet among your 2 sisters and 1 brother.