In Memory Of: Tommy

Owner(s): Lisa Parrish
Veterinarian: Jordan Veterinary Clinic
Tommy became a family member the minute we rescued him. He was abandoned, hiding in a culvert at the end of our street. He was so little, scared, and covered in fleas. With lots of love from myself and my two granddaughters, Tommy became a great friend. He was very vocal, and had a playful side. He loved to be cuddled and have his belly rubbed. He was a great companion for my granddaughters and I. After only being with us for a year and a half, Tommy received an injury to his tail damaging the nerves to some of his vital organs. Having to put him to sleep was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. We cherish the memories we have of Tommy, and he will forever live in our hearts. The girls and I miss you Tommy, love mommy