In Memory Of: Yager

Owner(s): Georganna Sekula
Veterinarian: Dr. Guy Matthews, Kyle Animal Hospital
Yay yay was my little Buddy for 16 precious years. This lil guy loved till the minute he passed over to the gorgeous rainbow bridge. I got very, very sick in March of 2019 and was in a coma that required a 20 day hospital stay and a 10 day rehab stay and my husband had to bring Yager and his sister Lilly to rehab so they could visit because their Momma. My lil guy didn’t leave my side for the entire recovery. He would just stare at me and talk his lil baby talk to me to let me know he cared and loved his Momma. I will forever be grateful for my lil Buddy and the LOVE he gave us ALL. I will also miss him everyday of my LIFE……