Pet Spotlight: Seamore
Sheryl M. adopted Seamore, a Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot, in June of 2006 when Seamore was just 17. Yellow-naped Amazons have been known to live 60-80 years in captivity, so Seamore was still quite young when she came to live with Sheryl. Since that time, Seamore has become a beloved part of the family. “Within the first week of having her,” Sheryl said, “I was in love with her.” Sheryl went on to explain that Seamore has a large vocabulary, but is quite selective about who she will speak to. “Her previous vet said she didn’t know [Seamore] could talk until I walked in,” Sheryl recalls. Seamore is an important companion not just for Sheryl, but also for her special-needs daughter, Sarah. Sheryl said that Seamore brings the whole family so much joy and makes them laugh constantly with her funny antics.

Unfortunately, recent family health issues have placed both a financial and emotional burden on Sheryl’s family. The stress of these issues has even extended to Seamore. Seamore had previously suffered an injury to one of her digits, but it had not bothered her until the recent household stress caused her to begin chewing on her toe. Seamore’s veterinarian, Dr. Mike Sheffield of Wimberley Vet Clinic, determined that the toe was fractured and the damage had become significant enough that he recommended the digit be amputated. Although Sheryl was committed to Seamore’s care, her family’s health issues had put too great a strain on her resources, and she was unable to afford the treatment Dr. Sheffield recommended. Dr. Sheffield was familiar with TVMF’s Rusk Veterinary Assistance Grants and suggested that they apply for a grant to help Seamore. TVMF was happy to help and we are pleased to report that Seamore’s surgery and recovery have gone well. With continued good care, Sheryl can look forward to many more years with her beloved Seamore.