Rusk Veterinary Assistance Grants: Jilly
Jilly is a beloved toy poodle belonging to Gloria K. Last fall, Gloria noticed that Jilly wasn’t feeling well. She was eating less and a visit to the vet confirmed that she had lost weight. Gloria’s vet determined that Jilly’s serious dental issues that were causing her extreme discomfort and affecting her quality of life. In order to resolve these issues, Jilly would need major dental surgery. Gloria lives on a fixed income and was already struggling to pay for her own medical bills.
She could not afford dental surgery, but was unwilling to let Jilly suffer. Gloria’s daughter set up a GoFundMe for Jilly, and Jilly’s veterinarian – Dr. Sheffield of Wimberley Veterinary Clinic – helped Gloria apply for a Rusk Veterinary Assistance Grant. With the help of TVMF, Jilly was able to get the dental surgery that she desperately needed, and she is back to being her usual, happy, self. Gloria is so thankful for the grant that she received, and describes Dr. Sheffield as “her and Jilly’s superhero!”