Impact Report: FY 2018-2019
Dear Friends,
As I look back on the past year, I am once again humbled and proud to be part of this amazing organization. This year has been a year of growth for TVMF as we continue to expand our programs and positively impact the lives ofTexans and their animal companions.
Especially exciting is the growth of the Rusk Veterinary Assistance Grants and the TVMF PALS (Pets Assisting the Lives of Seniors) program. In our Fiscal Year 2018-2019, TVMF awarded 14 Rusk grants, more than doubling the reach of this program. These grants are given to owners whose pets are in need of life-changing or life-saving care. Through the Rusk grants, TVMF saved 14 pets from possible surrender or euthanasia and helped to give them many more happy years with their families.
The TVMF PALS program also saw tremendous growth in 2018-19.What began as a small pilot program with 40 pets in 2012 is now a robust program operating in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Abilene and Bryan/College Station and serving 466 pets per year! In the last year alone, the TVMF PALS program has served 33% more pets, and we hope to continue growing and expanding this important program.
In August of 2018, we began working on a new strategic plan for TVMF. This has been an exciting opportunity to assess the strength of our current programs, explore new ways to help Texans care for their pets and plan to ensure the sustainability of our efforts. As TVMF continues to grow, we know we will be called on to do more for our community, and we plan to be ready to rise to that challenge.
I hope that you enjoy reading about our shared achievements in 2018-2019. Your support has made our success possible, and we remain deeply thankful for your generosity. I look forward to continuing our journey together to helpTexans and their pets and can’t wait to see what our next year will bring.

Chad Harris, DVM
TVMF President