Johnson Memorial Fund
A Legacy of Excellence
The Johnson Memorial Award, one of TVMF’s longest standing initiatives, is awarded annually to a surgical resident at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (TAMU-CVM) demonstrating excellence in small or large animal surgery.
The Johnson Memorial Award was established through a donation made by the Harris County Veterinary Medical Association (HCVMA) in honor of Dr. Thomas Johnson and his wife Glenda. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson passed away tragically in the spring of 1979 in an automobile accident. Dr. Johnson was a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, had been an active member of the veterinary community, and was respected by all of his peers.
In order to sustain and grow this award, TVMF is embarking on a fundraising campaign to permanently endow the Johnson Memorial Award. An endowment will provide TVMF with the ability to continue to recognize young veterinarians who have demonstrated excellence in surgery as well as honor the legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Johnson.
Our goal is to raise $35,000 to permanently endow the Johnson Memorial Fund, ensuring that TVMF will continue to honor Dr. Johnson’s legacy of surgical excellence.
Will you consider making a donation to TVMF today to support and encourage your future colleagues? Your support of the Johnson Memorial Award reflects your commitment to the profession of veterinary medicine and your support of the next generation of veterinarians. Please consider what lasting impact you would like to have on veterinary surgical excellence through your philanthropy – what legacy you would like to establish through your giving.
To learn more about other ways to support the Johnson Memorial Award, such as bequests in your will or trust, IRA contributions, or other assets, please contact Casey McBee, Director of Development, at 512-452-4224 or
Johnson Memorial Award